White SetTetra ShareTetra AssociateMount Fuji width=Flying Bird
White Set Line Up
White Set Package
White Set
White Set Buy
White SetTetra ShareTetra AssociateMount Fuji width=Flying Bird
WBlack Set Line Up
Black Set Package
Black Set
Black Set Buy

テトラ(三角錐)とは最少の頂点で構成される立体。共有とは1つの物を2人以上が共同で所有すること。 この原始的な最少限界の立体を2つに分け、あなたと一緒に食べてみたい。

Tetra (triangular pyramid) is a primitive three – dimensional form composed of minimum apexes. Share means for more than two people to possess one in cooperation. I'd like to divide this primitive volume into two and share them with you.


仲間とは一緒に何かをする間柄、また、その人。1つだったものが複数のテトラに増殖し、さらなる仲間を呼ぶ。 さぁ、みんなでゲームをしよう。誰に梅干しが当たるかな。

Associate means the relationship or people doing same thing together. The Tetra is multiplied into several volumes and attracts other associate. Now, let’s play a game together! Who will win the pickled plum?

Mount FUJI

標高3,776m、日本最高峰の独立峰。その神秘的な優美と不動の姿は国外でも日本の象徴として広く知られている。 富士山はなんであんなに深く愛されるのだろう。富士山のようになりなさい。

She is altitude 3,776m and the highest independent peak in Japan. Her mysterious elegance and immovable figure are also known well as a Japanese symbol even in outside of Japan. Why will Mt. Fuji be loved so deeply? Live like Mount Fuji.

Mount FUJI
Mount FUJI
Flying Bird

ここからふと見下ろすと、人ってこんなに小さい 砂粒のように小さい 器用な手も強靭な足も無いが 私には自由という翼がある つかまえてみなさい とらえてみなさい。ひらりとかわしてみせましょう。

Looking down from the sky, I found the earth with such a tiny shade of a man, who was just like a grain of sands. Hands of Craftsman, I have none. Legs of trained soldier, I have none. But I have wings of freedom. Catch me! Hold me! You will find a feather in your hands. Now, I am in the air. I am a flying bird.

Flying Bird
Flying Bird